SFINKS is a small conference on complex systems and interdisciplinary physics. I wanted to present something there since the first edition in 2016, but I never stood a chance. Every year there was something up, like an international exchange or a lot of tough exams. Finally, this year I was able to fullfil my dream as I presented a lightning talk O strachu przed liczeniem na papierze (eng. About the fear of calculating on paper).

The talk is a short speed-run of the last part of my master thesis in which I :

  1. Analyzed over 270 GB of tweets and looked for hashtags popularity time series.
  2. Created and simulated an agent-based model that aimed at reproducing twitter dynamics.
  3. Simplified and solved the approximated model analytically on paper.

The slides (in Polish) are available online.

I was awarded the 3rd place for a talk in the category of PhD students (although I’m not perusing a PhD degree, but I don’t study either :p).

SFINKS bronze medal