PyTorch Serialization 📦⚙️

One thing is to train the model, but another is to serve it. In between those two phases, model serialization and deserialization occurs. In simpler words it’s just model saving and loading. It’s important because different methods result in different:

  1. Inference speed
  2. Model size
  3. Python environment size

If you are curious what are the ways to serialize model in PyTorch and how they compare, checkout my new post on Appsilon blog.

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PyTorch-Lightning + Hydra to Boost Your PyTorch ⚡🐉

When working with deep learning problems I usually use PyTorch. I like this framework as it gives me a lot of freedom and allows to write code in the pythonic way. Using bare pytorch unfortunately often means writing a lot of boilerplate code, which no-one like. Another problem that arises during longer and larger projects is experiments running and configuration maintenance. I tackle those two problems by using pytorch-lightning and Hydra.
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