Square Root √2 Pizza Box 🍕📦

Today I have a short one, a follow-up to the post on pizza sizes. Recently, I was in my local pizza place where I had to choose between 32 and 46cm pizza. The bigger one cost 5 PLN more. Even without looking at my table, I chose the bigger one. I knew, however, that I’m going to eat only half of my pizza so I asked to pack the remaining half.
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Pizza Twice as Big 🍕

One morning I was standing in a queue in my local bakery, and I’ve seen a woman buying one of those small quasi-pizzas. Pizzas ~20cm in diameter. Immediately I thought about how profitable it is when compared to the full-size 42cm pizza. Since the area of a larger pizza is 4 times bigger, of course, it’s not worth buying smaller pizzas. Then I thought about fitting smaller pizzas inside the bigger one.
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