Detecting Antarctic Shag Nests 🐧🐻‍❄️🇦🇶

It’s always nice if you can use your technical skills for something good for our planet. I have this opportunity during work at Appsilon where from time to time we work on Data4Good projects. One such project was copepods/plankton project where I was doing segmentation of the oil sac in the Arctic plankton. This time I’d like to share something from the other pole of the globe.

Currently we work on detecting the Antarctic shags nests on the Antarctic islands. Together with Jędrzej Świeżewski and Joanna Kaleta we were cooperating with researchers from IBB PAS on this task. Checkout the engagement summary blog post on the Appsilon blog.

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Copepods Oil Sac 🌊🛢👜

Some time ago, I’ve worked on an oil sac (energy reservoir) detection in copepods (kind of zooplankton) for Université Laval. Apart from presenting the results on the ML4Plankton conference I’ve published a detailed blog post on the Appsilon blog that I strongly encourage you to read!

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Presentation at ML4Plankton Conference 🌊🐟

Recently I was working at work on detecting the oil sac in copepods. This is was a super cool problem in which we received data from professor Frédéric Maps from Université Laval. We together gave a talk on conference ML4Plankton that you can watch online! First Frederic gives some context on why this problem is important and later I explain methods used and problems you can find. Our talk is available online here:
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