Today I have a short one, a follow-up to the post on pizza sizes. Recently, I was in my local pizza place where I had to choose between 32 and 46cm pizza. The bigger one cost 5 PLN more. Even without looking at my table, I chose the bigger one. I knew, however, that I’m going to eat only half of my pizza so I asked to pack the remaining half. This is what I’ve got:

Square root pizza box

It fits perfectly! A quick thinking allowed me to understand what happened. They have a special, custom pizza boxes for half of 46cm pizza! Since pizza radius is 23cm, and the radius of two pieces as in the box is 46cm (diameter of the box), so the box has side length of exactly $46 / \sqrt{2}$!

Or maybe it was a box for pizza 32cm? I don’t know Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―